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If you enjoyed any of the writing you found on this site you might also be interested in the following sites.


Peace Corps India Books:  There are two volumes of recollections and stories that we put together after the 40th reunion of our Peace Corps Group (India 44A&B). There is a video that introduces these volumes. To view it click here.

For more information about the group and the book click here:


The Writings of Tom Corbett: Tom Corbett was a member of the India 44B Peace Corps group and a member of the editorial committee that put together the Peace Corps India books listed above.  Tom has a PhD from the University of Wisconsin with a long history of practical applications in the field of social work. He has published a couple of memoirs that introduce their readers to the world of social policy.

To see the video introduction to Tom’s work click here:

To go to Tom’s author page, click here.


Terri McCartney: If you have read any of the opening chapters of “75 Women” you will know that I have often used the services of a professional astrologer, especially for doing compatibility readings with a number of my 75 women.  If you are interested in this aspect of my quest you can access Terri’s website by clicking here.